TCDT Transferable Skills – Architecture

In this exciting new blog series, we hear from experts about how many of the skills learned by students who participate in The Creative Dimension Trust (TCDT) workshops are applicable to their area of work.

In the first episode of the series, we spoke to Peter Morris, co-founder of architecture firm Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, about how the skills students learn during a wide variety of TCDT workshops can be applied to the field of architecture.


Being an architect requires a broad range of skills, bringing together creative design at one extreme and technical knowledge at the other. A lot of design now takes place using the computer, and it’s certainly a powerful tool, but it’s no substitute…especially in the early stages of design, for working things out by hand. Whether sketching, or making physical models, these skills are critical for working through your ideas and to making good design decisions. 


That’s where the many workshops available through TCDT come in. They’re a great way of enabling you to explore these hand-based skills across a range of mediums; whether carving into solid stone, making a puppet, crafting a piece of jewellery or making a model of a building. Each of these tasks relies on the ability to describe a design in 2 dimensions, before realising it in 3.


Architecture is something we experience everyday of our lives, moving around and through buildings, and TCDT is a great way to develop some key skills which will allow you to explore, and then consider, a career in architecture.