Furniture Making

with Emma Leslie


Places available in 2024

1 place available



Image credit: Emma Leslie


Spend a week with award winning furniture maker, Emma Leslie.

Emma is a designer and furniture maker. Her varied practice ranges from individual bespoke commissions, to her own design work and artist collaborations. Clients include Assemble, ICA, Modern Art Gellery, The Modern House, Giles Reid Architects, Urban Projects Bureaux, McCrum Interior Design and Lyndon Good Architects. Artist collaborations include Jason Bowman, Inheritance Projects, CJ Mahony, David Ben White and Noga Inbar.

Find out more about Emma and her work here.



How to Apply

To apply for this opportunity, students must be aged between 16-20 years old.

Please email your CV & Cover Letter to [email protected]

Deadline to apply: 31/07/2024


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